The Falcon and the Winter Solider Exclusive Clips – “The Big Three” and “What’s The Plan?”

The team up we’ve been waiting for!

We are 5 days away from the premiere of The Falcon and the WInter Soldier, which will be dropping episode 1 on Disney+ on the 19th of March 2021. We’ve had a few trailers released so far that have given us a taste of what’s to come in the second Marvel TV series. Marvel are being very kind to us and they have dropped 2 brand new exclusive clips, which gives us more of an insight into the relationship between Sam and Bucky. It’s only been a few weeks since Wandavision finished so I can’t wait for more new Marvel content!

For me, the Captain America trilogy is my favourite slate of movies from the MCU and The Winter Soldier could possibly be my favourite Marvel movie. I’ve always wanted to see a Falcon and Winter Soldier team up, ever since we got a small taste of them together in Civil War. I’m super stoked to see both Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan suiting up again as their respected characters. It will be interesting to see the return of Emily Van Camp’s Sharon Carter as well as Daniel Bruhl’s Baron Zemo. I’m intrigued to see what the story is and how they explain what happened to Sharon after the events of Civil War as well as why Baran Zemo is back on the scene as well.

The first clip is called “The Big Three”, check it out below:

I loved this first clip from the show, it does so well demonstrating the relationship between the both of them. It shows that there is some great on screen chemistry between the both and the use of banter is perfect for the two characters. We have Sam, who is clearly the joker and likes to throw little jibes at Bucky who on the other hand equally keeps up with his quick comebacks. This clip shows an interesting debate on the different between wizard and sorcerers and it had me laughing. It’s got that high school/college type of humour and it feels natural in this instance. You can tell that Bucky gets frustrated with how Sam is and it makes for some great viewing. I just loved how it goes from a semi-serious discussion to them arguing over whether Doctor Strange is a wizard or sorcerer. The explanation Sam gives for the difference is brilliant and was perfectly executed. It seems that the two are both still trying to figure each other out and I think by the end they’ll have a level of friendship maybe or their version of what friendship is.

Let’s take a look at the second clip titled “What’s the Plan?”:

The clip starts with the two characters having a staring content, similar to what we saw in one of the previous trailers in the interrogation room. I love the awkward silence between the two before they start gearing up for what must be a mission they’re on. I think this clip does a really good job of demonstrating this tension in their relationship and how there is tension between the both. Sam calls Bucky “Buck”, which doesn’t sit well as his return is “only Steve could call me that”, which shows the level of trust isn’t quite there yet. This also shows that Bucky gets frustrated with Sam’s lack of planning and just jumping into a mission head first so I think it’s safe to say The Winter Soldier is going to be the level headed one between the two.

I’ve been seeing that some people got to view the first episode early online, both from reviews and Youtuber reviews the overall reactions to the show have been really positive. The one thing they all have in common is that within the first two minutes, you can tell its a Marvel project. The reason that’s been said on this show is that a lot of people criticised Wandavision saying it didn’t feel like a Marvel project util towards the end of the series. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier only has 6 episodes in but I can imagine that it’s going to be a fast paced, action series and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the story will develop into. As long as I get to see some awesome action set pieces, great story, character development and Bucky going full on Winter Soldier than I will be more than satisfied with this show.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier premieres on 19th of March on Disney+.

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